Yulaf Tüketmenin Faydaları

Benefits of Consuming Oats

What is oats?

The scientific name of oat is “Avena Sativa”. Oats are in the grain category. In terms of human health, oats contain vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants.  It also contains beta-gluten, that is, soluble fiber. Oats are a very good source of carbohydrates and fiber. It is an energy source because it contains carbohydrates. Since oats do not contain gluten, they are also in the category of consumable food for celiac patients. In order to be sure that it is gluten-free, certified oatmeal or oats should be preferred. Otherwise, oats can be mixed with wheat, which is a very risky situation for celiac patients. Therefore, “pure” or “gluten-free” oats should be consumed for those who should not consume gluten. 

What are the benefits of oats?

Oats are a type of grain that is easy to consume and healthy because it does not contain gluten. It has many benefits from easy digestion to skin health. The benefits of oats can be listed as follows; 

·      Increases energy.

· Strengthens immunity.

It reduces the risk of colon cancer.

· Relieves constipation. 

Oats and skin health

Copper, zinc, selenium, thiamine and niacin etc. in oats. Supports skin health due to vitamins and minerals. Many skin care products contain finely ground oats called colloidal oatmeal.

Oat-containing care products are recommended for the treatment and repair of many skin conditions, including eczema, and dry and itchy skin.  

How should oats be consumed?

There are many ways to consume oats. Since oats are found in different types, each type can be consumed as follows; 

· Oat bran: It is the first part of the processed oat grain. It is formed as a result of grinding the outer shell. It is low in calories and easy to cook, but quite difficult to digest. . It can be consumed by adding it to drinks usually prepared with fresh fruits.

Groats of oats: It is the grain form of oats, which is formed by removing the outer shell of the oat.  

Cut oats (Irish oats): It is the form obtained by dividing the groats of oats into two or three parts with the help of a steel knife.

Scottish oats: It is a finer grinding of cut oats. When cooked, it has a porridge-like consistency.

Oatmeal: It is the dried form of groats after steaming, mashing and flattening to extend their shelf life. It can be consumed with dried fruits, yogurt or milk.

How to make oatmeal?

Oatmeal is also known as porridge. Basically, oats are boiled with water and the food obtained by crushing the boiled oats. Oatmeal can be made as follows;

Half a cup of oatmeal

1 glass of water or milk

Salt or sugar according to the person's salt needs

All the ingredients are taken into a pot and waited until the water or milk boils. After the liquid foods boil, the stove is turned down and the oats are cooked by stirring until they become soft. 

Do oats lose weight?

Oats have a long holding time. However, oats alone do not cause weight loss. Oats do not have any feature to aid weight loss. If there is a goal such as losing weight, it is necessary to pay attention to sugar / salt consumption in addition to regular oat consumption. At the same time, regular nutrition and daily exercise are also very important. Along with oat consumption, diet and exercise are also very important.

Harms and side effects of oats

Oats have very little negative effects on the health status of healthy people. However, the damages of oats can be listed as follows;

May cause gas and bloating.

Oats may cause allergic reactions in people with sensitivities. 

Sometimes it can cause digestive problems. 

When any negative side effects of oats are observed, oat consumption should be stopped and a doctor should be consulted. 

What vitamins do oats contain?

One serving of oats has an average of 30 grams and contains 117 calories; There are 66% carbohydrates, 17% protein, 7% fat and 11% fiber in the components of oats. When 100 grams of raw oats are consumed, the following vitamins / minerals are taken into the body daily;

· 246% of manganese

Phosphorus 52%

·       44% of magnesium

31% of copper

Iron 26%

· 26% of zinc

1% of Vitamin B51

14% of folate

5% of Vitamin B13

It also contains calcium, potassium, vitamin B6 and vitamin B3. If you need all these vitamins and cannot consume oats, the best solution for you is supplementation. multivitamins Fortim Multi. FortimMulti contains the vitamins and minerals that oats have. 

Düzenli Uykunun Faydaları

Benefits of Regular Sleep

What are the Benefits of Regular Sleep?

The benefits of regular sleep can be listed as follows;

  •       By strengthening the immune system, the rate of catching diseases decreases.
  •       During sleep, body cells are renewed and damaged cells are repaired.
  •       The digestive system is both relaxed and regulated. 
  •       The body synthesizes protein. 
  •       Cell division takes place.
  •       Thanks to regular sleep, growth hormone is secreted in a healthy way. 
  •       Regular sleep has positive effects on sexual life.
  •        It has positive effects on the healing of chronic pain.
  •       Weight control Regular sleep is very important. Irregular and unhealthy sleep patterns cause weight gain.
  •       Stress is regulated by regular sleep. Thanks to regular sleep, the stress situation is low.
  •       Regular sleep has positive effects on memory strengthening.
  •       It has positive effects on heart health.
  •       Regular sleep has positive effects on learning by increasing focus.
  •       It nourishes brain functions.
  •       It has positive effects on respiratory system, circulatory system, musculoskeletal system.

What Hours Should You Sleep?

  • Melatonin It is a type of hormone that facilitates the transition to sleep and has a role in the healthy progression of the cycle between sleep and wakefulness. Melatonin hormone begins to be secreted in the evening hours and continues to be secreted increasingly until between 02.00 and 03.00 at night. At the same time, growth hormone, which helps protein production and proliferation of cells, is secreted at its highest level at 00.00. For this reason, it is necessary to be asleep at 23.00 at the latest. To summarize, the most productive hours of night sleep are between 23.00 and 03.00 hours. 
  • Exposure to excessive light during the day and before going to bed, watching television and dealing with cell phones for a long time, in short, exposure to blue light before sleep reduces sleep quality. It not only reduces the quality of sleep, but also reduces the secretion of the hormone melatonin, which negatively affects the functioning of the body system.

How Many Hours Should You Sleep? 

The amount of sleep a person needs in order to have a healthy sleep process actually differs from person to person. Rather than the number of hours of sleep, the point to be considered is the quality of sleep. Sleep time varies according to the needs of the person. The age and gender of the person are effective factors on sleep time. However, if we generalize the sleep time, the ideal sleep time can be as follows;  

  • A newborn baby should sleep 18 to 20 hours.
  • A small child should sleep 14 hours to 16 hours.
  • School-age children should get 9 to 10 hours of sleep.
  • Yetiadults 7 hours to 8 hours of sleep.
  • The elderly should sleep between 5 hours and 7 hours.

What Happens If We Don't Get Regular Sleep?

One of the biggest problems of the age is sleep disorder. Some situations, such as the stressful life of the life and intense work tempo, negatively affect the sleep state. When the sleep pattern is disturbed, the person has an inefficient work pace during the day and his energy is at the lowest levels throughout the day.  

If we do not sleep regularly, untreated diseases may occur, the body system does not work correctly and regularly, and conditions such as weakness, inefficient work, distraction, feeling unhappy, increased stress, feeling tired and exhausted occur throughout the day. These situations can cause misunderstanding by the people around. This negatively affects social life. At the same time, having an irregular sleep pattern and being distracted due to not getting enough sleep can cause traffic accidents and other accidents. 

What Should Be Done for a Better Quality Sleep?

Suggestions for a quality sleep can be listed as follows;

  •         Just before going to sleep, instead of consuming caffeinated beverages such as tea, coffee and cola, milk or herbal tea can be consumed.  
  •         Before going to sleep, you can take a warm shower or read a book.
  •         In the evening, instead of talking about things that will be on your mind, you can talk about things that will make you feel good. 
  •        Sleeping for half an hour between 12:00 and 13:00 during the day facilitates the transition to sleep at night. However, you should not sleep for more than half an hour. Sleeping for more than half an hour makes it difficult to fall asleep at night. 
  •         The fact that the bed temperature is not cold is another factor that facilitates the transition to sleep. An ideal bed temperature can help you fall asleep faster. 
  •         Having the bedroom pitch dark helps you sleep more efficiently. 
  •         Having the alarm set one meter away from the bed can make it easier to wake up in the morning. 
  •         You must go to bed to go to sleep. Going to bed before going to bed can make it harder to sleep. The time to go to bed should be 23:00.  
  •         The time to sleep and wake up should be the same every day, including weekends.  
  •         Stretching movements can be done to make the transition to sleep easier.  
Boyun Ağrılarının Sebepleri?

Causes of Neck Pain?

The neck is the moving area that carries the 7 vertebrae and the head region. Due to the high mobility of the neck area, it is an area open to serious injuries. Neck and nape pain are not defined as "sinking" pain. Neck and neck pain are medically defined as "blunt" pain. Neck and nape pains;

– Numbness,

– tingling,

– They can be defined as situations such as the feeling of electric shock.

Dizziness with neck and nape pain may also occur. Neck pain is one of the most common types of regional pain. The cause of neck pain can be defined for one reason, or it can be defined for more than one reason. So neck pain can have multiple causes. Neck pain does not only occur due to poor posture, but there may also be many underlying causes of neck pain. 

Causes of Neck Pain

Neck pain can be explained by a single reason or by more than one reason. Causes of neck pain can be listed as follows; 

– muscle relaxation; It is a condition that occurs due to prolonged use of a computer or phone. Muscles become tense from looking down. At the same time, clenching your teeth can cause neck pain as it causes the muscles to stretch. 

– Joint and cartilage wear; Neck joints and cartilages may wear down due to aging. Wear of bones and cartilages also causes neck pain. 

-        Nerve entrapment; Nerves that are compressed in the neck and cause hernia can put pressure on the neck and shoulder. This causes neck pain. 

– injury; Conditions such as car accidents, a blow to the neck, and head jerking can cause neck pain. 

– Different Diseases; Diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, meningitis or cancer can cause neck pain.

What Are Neck Pain Symptoms?

Symptoms of neck pain can be listed as follows; 

– Stiff neck; If pain is felt while turning the head to the right and left, this is neck stiffness and is considered a symptom of neck pain. 

– A sharp pain; a pain is felt in the lower part of the neck and if there is a pain in a single point, it is neck pain.

– General pain; If pain is felt in one part of the neck, this is among the symptoms of neck pain.

– radiating pain; If the pain starts from the neck and spreads to the shoulders and arms, it is a sign of pain in the neck region.

– Problems in lifting and gripping; If the fingers are tingling and things are not being held because of the numbness, this is a sign of neck pain.

- Headache; muscle tension, joint and cartilage wear in the neck can cause headaches. 


What Can Be Done to Prevent Neck Pain?

If the neck pain is not due to an injury or a blow, it is possible for the person experiencing neck pain to take precautions on their own. The following can be done to prevent neck pain:;

Posture while sitting or standing is one of the most important ways to prevent neck pain. The hips and shoulders should be in line and the ears should be at shoulder level.

– Instead of sitting for a long time, taking breaks and stretching can prevent neck pain. 

– Using headphones while talking on the phone prevents neck pain as it supports healthy posture.

– The computer screen should be level with the head and it is necessary to use a lumbar pillow while sitting in a chair. 

– Heavy items should not be carried on the shoulder. 

Is taking vitamin D good for neck pain?

Cause of chronic muscle pain Vitamin D may be lacking. Because Taking vitamin D is good for neck pain may come. According to studies, patients with vitamin D deficiency are more likely to experience low back, neck and muscle pain. An improvement in low back and neck pain was observed in patients who took vitamin D supplements. If you suffer from neck pain, FortimD supplement is for you.

Soğuk Algınlığı Belirtileri Nelerdir? Soğuk Algınlığına Ne İyi Gelir?

What are the Symptoms of a Cold? What Is Good For A Cold?

What is the common cold (flu)?

A cold can be defined as a cold. Its medical name is "nasopharyngitis". The common cold is in the category of viral infections that occur in the upper respiratory tract, namely the nose and throat. The common cold can occur at any time of the year. The common cold can be caused by many different types of viruses.

The common cold can occur mostly during seasonal transitions and sudden temperature changes. There are more than 200 types of viruses that cause the common cold. These virus types can be listed as follows;

· Rhinoviruses,

· coronaviruses, 

· Adenoviruses 

· RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)

 Normally, the common cold heals in 7 days to 10 days. However, if the common cold causes diseases such as sinusitis, otitis media or pneumococcus, the recovery time of the common cold may be longer. The common cold is often confused with the flu. However, the common cold is a much milder illness than the flu. While there is no complaint of runny nose in flu, the main complaint in cold is a runny nose.

Who Gets Colds?

The risk of catching a cold is most common in children younger than 6 years old. At the same time, adults can have colds 2 or 4 times a year. In many cases, patients recover from a cold within 7 or 10 days. If signs and symptoms do not improve within 7 to ten days, patients should see a doctor.

What Causes a Cold?

The causes of the common cold can be listed as follows;

– Various viruses,

– The viruses that cause the common cold enter the human body through the mouth, eyes or nose. 

It spreads through airborne droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes or speaks. In the case of this spread, it causes the transmission of colds to healthy individuals.

Causes people with a chronic illness or otherwise weakened immune systems to catch colds. 

What are the Symptoms of a Cold?

The causes of the common cold can be listed as follows;

Symptoms appear 3-4 hours after viruses that cause colds are taken into the body.

runny nose

Nasal congestion

· Throat ache

Low fever

· Weakness

Body pain

· Headache

· sneezing

Difficulty in breathing

Conditions such as cough are among the symptoms of cold. When some cold symptoms are encountered, it is necessary to consult a doctor, and these symptoms can be listed as follows;

Symptoms of a more severe cold include fever higher than 38 degrees, 

fever lasting five days or longer 

Re-starting a fever after a fever-free period, 


shortness of breath,

severe sore throat, 

· When symptoms such as sinus pain are observed, a doctor should be examined. 

What are the Cold Diagnostic Methods?

Because of the most common symptom of the common cold, it is easy to diagnose and fairly easy in many cases. But if the doctor suspects a bacterial infection or other condition, they may order a chest X-ray or other tests to rule out other causes of these signs and symptoms. When the upper respiratory tract is examined, the common cold mostly affects the nasal area. The patient can usually self-diagnose. A person cannot decide for himself which type of virus causes the common cold by looking at the symptoms. 

What should be considered in order to be protected from the common cold?

It is not possible to be vaccinated because there are so many types of viruses that cause colds and they mutate so quickly. In order to prevent colds, it is necessary to pay attention to the following situations;

  • It is necessary to take care to wear a mask. 
  • It is necessary to pay attention to hygiene and cleanliness, hands should be washed regularly.
  • When zinc supplements are taken into the body, they can reduce the severity and duration of symptoms.
  • A healthy and regular diet should keep the immune system strong.
  • The environment where the patient is located should be ventilated frequently.
  • After the hands come into contact with some objects, it is necessary to avoid touching the mouth, nose, eyes and their surroundings without cleaning.
  • It is necessary to consume plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits according to the season.
  • To strengthen immunity multivitamin Need to use supplements
Chia Tohumu Nedir? Chia Tohumu Faydaları Nelerdir?

What is Chia Seed? What Are the Benefits of Chia Seeds?

What Are Chia Seeds?

Chia seed can be defined as a plant with beneficial content in the category of plants called honeybabagil. Chia seeds contain minerals, vitamins, omega-3 It contains fat and protein and is also very rich in nutritional value. It is described as a powerful source of fiber and antioxidants. Chia seed benefits include anti-inflammatory, energy-boosting, and digestive benefits. The benefits of chia seeds are not only these, they also protect and strengthen heart, bone, teeth and skin health. 

How Much Chia Seed Is Used Daily?

It is sufficient to consume 1-2 tablespoons of Chia seeds for the daily need of vitamins and minerals. It is not recommended to consume chia seeds, which have high nutritional value, more than the amount of food recommended by the doctor or dietitian.  

Chia Seed Calories 

Chia Seed contains 33,80% carbohydrates, 13,28% protein, and 24,71% fat. In the content of Chia Seed 4,20 Carbs (g), 1,65 Protein (g), 3,07 fat (g), 3,44 fiber (g), 1,60 Sodium (mg), 63,00 Calcium(mg), contains. The calorie value of Chia Seeds can be listed as follows; 

It has an average of 1 calories with 49 tablespoon of Chia seeds. In addition, 1 tablespoon of chia seeds contains 2 grams of Protein, 4 grams of Carbs.

1 spoon of chia seeds is 10-20 grams on average. So 100 grams of chia seeds is 480 calories. In addition, the daily consumption recommendation of chia seeds is an average of 20 grams, that is, as much as a food paper. 1 tablespoon of chia seeds contains 49 calories. Chia seeds belong to a gluten-free food category. It contains a high amount of calcium compared to milk and has a rich nutritional value in terms of omega-3.

What Are the Benefits of Chia Seeds?

The benefits of chia seeds can be listed as follows; 

· Delays aging.

Protects and supports skin health.

Protects and supports digestive health.

Protects and supports heart health.

It is the food of choice in the treatment of diabetes

· Increases energy.

Protects and supports dental health.

It has the ability to regulate metabolism.

Protects and supports bone health.

· Supports weight loss.

It is qualified as a protein source for vegans.

It can be consumed instead of milk.

· Does not contain gluten.

How to Eat Chia Seeds?

Chia seeds can be consumed using different recipes. Especially chia seeds are preferred with fruits, vegetables and yoghurt. 

Chia seeds can be sprinkled as seeds on cereal, rice, yogurt or vegetables, or consumed by swelling chia seeds in water or milk. It is possible to consume chia seeds without any processing. Chia seeds can also be sprouted and consumed. Consuming sprouted chia seeds makes it easier to digest, and the nutritional values ​​​​in the seed are absorbed by the body more quickly. Sprouted chia seeds can be added to salads, sandwiches, meals.

The best way to get the vitamins and minerals in chia seeds into the body is to grind or soak the seeds. To soak chia seeds, it is recommended to put about 1.5 tablespoons of chia seeds in a cup of water and leave them for about 1 hour.

Chia seeds are an excellent source of protein for vegetarians and vegans. Contains high quality protein from most plant foods. Protein can be taken into the body by making chia seed pudding with soy milk and crushed almonds. Chia seeds are rich in antioxidants. Chia seeds can be stored in a cool, dry place for up to four years without spoiling.

Who Cannot Use Chia Seeds?

The situations in which the consumption of chia seeds is not recommended can be listed as follows;

Pregnant women are not recommended to consume chia seeds. 

Chia seeds blood pressure It is not recommended for people who use the drug and use diabetes medication. 

It has an allergic nutritional value and it is not recommended for people who are susceptible to allergic reactions to consume chia seeds. 

It is also recommended that people with swallowing difficulties consume chia seeds carefully. 

Dry form should not be consumed. 

It is recommended that people with blood coagulation disorders or patients taking blood thinners should consult their doctor about chia seed consumption.  

Chia seeds have the ability to lower blood pressure. Patients with low blood pressure are advised to be careful when consuming chia seeds. 

C Vitaminin Cilt için Faydaları

Benefits of Vitamin C for Skin

Vitamin C is in the category of water-soluble vitamins. A diet rich in vitamin C supports the regeneration of the body and strengthens the immune system. However, the benefits of vitamin C are not just cell renewal and strengthening immunity. Vitamin C has many benefits. Vitamin C can be obtained from foods, as well as from supplements and cosmetic products. We have compiled the benefits of vitamin C in terms of skin health for you. We wish you pleasant reading.  

Benefits of Vitamin C for Skin

Vitamin C is a type of anti-aging vitamin. Therefore, it finds many benefits for the skin. The benefits of vitamin C for the skin can be listed as follows;

  • Vitamin C in Anti Aging Care; Vitamin C is a type of vitamin that is frequently preferred in skin care and used as a raw material. Vitamin C rejuvenates the skin and helps to energize the skin, while deeply caring for the skin.
  • Helps reduce skin disorders; Vitamin C helps repair skin damage caused by external factors. Vitamin C helps to make the skin look more lively. 
  • Helps collagen production; Cosmetic products containing vitamin C  collagen production provides. Produced with the help of vitamin C collagen it gives luminosity to the skin, helps the skin to be tighter and the skin has a healthier appearance. Especially if you are doing anti-aging care, products containing vitamin C can be preferred on a daily basis. The point to be noted here is that it is necessary to consult a dermatologist for skin needs. 
  • It takes care of the appearance of dark circles under the eyes; Products containing vitamin C are very useful in the care against the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. Cosmetic products containing vitamin C can be preferred to repair the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. 
  • It is very effective in anti-aging care; Cosmetic products containing vitamin C are very effective products in anti-aging care. If the skin is being treated for anti-aging, products containing vitamin C can be preferred.
  • It tries to give elasticity to the skin; With the effect of aging, the skin loses its elasticity. Products containing vitamin C care for the skin to increase its elasticity level and prevent the skin from sagging. Many benefits can be provided with the care of vitamin C to the skin. In addition, it is necessary to support the skin with fortified foods, so vitamin C supplements can be taken.  

C vitamin use of free radicals Vitamin C, which prevents chain reactions and prevents them from harming the body, is in the group of vitamins most preferred in the field of cosmetics. Vitamin C is available in serum and tablet form. Vitamin C serum The skin structure and the characteristics of the skin are very important. If the skin type is not suitable for the use of vitamin C, it can damage the skin. When using the vitamin C serum on the face, the face must be thoroughly cleansed of make-up and daily dirt. Vitamin C serums protect the skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Therefore also Vitamin C supplement Can be used with sunscreens.

When used with sunscreen, the positive effects of vitamin C on the skin can be seen. It is very important to get a dermatologist's advice in order to be able to care according to the skin type. Because every skin has its own characteristics and needs, so consulting a dermatologist is the best method for the skin. In addition, FortimMulti supports your skin thanks to the vitamin C it contains. 

Omicron Nedir?

What is Omicron?

What is the Omicron Variant?

Omicron variant Covid-19 It is a type of epidemic. It first appeared in South Africa. Afterwards, it spread around the world and infected millions of people. In Turkey, the Ministry of Health announced that cases infected with the Omicron variant were detected on 12 December 2021. According to the Ministry of Health's statement on December 25, 2021, more than 10% of the cases in crowded provinces consist of the Omicron variant. The features of the omicron variant, which is a type of Covid-19 virus, can be listed as follows; 

-        CONTAMINATION;  It is said that it spreads faster in terms of contagiousness. However, there is no certainty like the characteristics of the covid-19 virus. More research is needed. 

-        DISEASE SEVERITY; There is a need to gather more information on how the Omicron virus affects the individual. It would be better to generalize here, as all variants of the new type of coronavirus cause people to die, the omicron variant is a serious virus that can cause people to lose their lives.  

-        THE EFFECT OF HAVING COVID-19 BEFORE; People who were previously infected with the covid-19 virus can be reinfected with the omicron variant.  

What Are the Symptoms of Omicron Variant?

The contagiousness of the Omicron variant is parallel to other covid-19 variants. The Omicron variant also reproduces by attaching to the cell. They can mutate differently. your vaccines Omicron variant has occurred due to changes in the proteins in the covid-19 virus. Therefore, the omicron variant is more contagious. 

The Omicron variant can be transmitted in the following ways;

· By breathing,

through contact with infected persons

It can be transmitted through contact with body fluids of people.

Symptoms of the Omicron variant can be listed as follows;

Dry cough,

· High fever

Night sweats

Body pain

Loss of sense of taste and smell

· Symptoms such as fatigue are seen in the omicron variant. 

Vaccination Protection Against the Omicron Variant

There is no definitive data on the extent to which vaccines provide protection against the Omicron variant. However, the vaccines were found to be effective against the Delta variant of the covid-19 virus, which previously accounted for the majority of cases. There is no effective preventive or therapeutic method against the Covid-19 virus, other than a vaccine. Therefore, vaccination of the population is the clearest method of preventing severe illness and death due to COVID-19. It is very important for people who have received two doses of vaccine in Turkey and 3 months after the second dose, to have the reminder dose to be protected against the Omicron variant.

What Should We Do to Avoid Omicron?

In order to protect the body from the omicron variant, it is also important in the omicron variant to fully fulfill all the practices recommended from the beginning of the pandemic to this day. Especially due to the cold weather, spending more time indoors causes the virus to spread. The following methods can be preferred to prevent the Omicron variant;

– It is necessary to stay away from crowded environments. 

- Social distancing must be observed. 

– Masks should be worn in crowded environments and masks should not be removed for any reason.

– Hands should be washed frequently.

– Nutrition and supplement vitamin Care should be taken in its purchase.

– All people in the risk group should be vaccinated and those who have been vaccinated should have a reminder dose. 

– People with symptoms should go to the health institution and give a test and should pay attention to the isolation period.