Kalsiyum Ne İşe Yarar?

What Does Calcium Do?

From infancy, strong bones are important for healthy aging. Important for the skeletal system calciumIt is also important for teeth, heart and muscles. Therefore, in the body calcium levels must be observed. We are also for youWhat does calcium do?“We investigated.

What does calcium do? 


CalciumIt is the type of mineral responsible for the formation of bones and teeth. It is the most abundant mineral in the body. It provides formation and strengthening of teeth, formation and strengthening of bones, contraction of muscles, providing the necessary blood pressure, blood coagulation in our body. calcium  About 99% is stored in bones and teeth, while 1% is stored in blood, muscle and other tissues. Calcium, It helps to fulfill the following functions;

  • In the protection of the development and health of bones and teeth,
  • in blood coagulation,
  • In intracellular communication,
  • Performing muscle functions and nerve transmission
  • In order for the heartbeat to occur,
  • In releasing hormones and enzymes,
  • In the communication between the brain and the body,
  • In the development of blood vessels, 
  • In reducing the risk of colon cancer, 
  • In preventing osteoporosis,

performing functions such as calcium mineral is involved.

What Are the Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency?

What the body needs from daily nutrition calcium when we can't get it, it's stored in the bones calcium starts to run out. Not only because of not consuming daily food, but also because of excessive consumption of certain foods or the treatment method of some diseases.to calcium deficiency may cause. Symptoms of calcium deficiency we have compiled for you. These;

  • Transfer,
  • abnormal heart rhythm
  • Weakness,
  • Hair loss,
  • muscle cramps,
  • Numbness and tingling in fingers
  • Bone fractures or bone cracks,
  • Osteoclasis,
  • tooth fractures, 
  • nail breakage,

reasons such as are symptoms of calcium deficiency

What Foods Contain Calcium? 

calcium mineralNot only is it vital for bones and teeth, it is actually vital for the entire body. Therefore, regular and diversified food consumption is necessary to get the calcium mineral into the body. Therefore also foods containing calcium it's good to know. foods containing calcium It is:

Milk and milk products;

  • Yoghurt
  • Milk 
  • Cheese 

Sea products;

  • The fish; 
  • Sardines
  • Salmon 
  • Ringa
  • Cod
  • swordfish 
  • Tuna


  • Spinach
  • Cabbage
  • Broccoli
  • Cucumber
  • Celery
  • Rocket
  • Dandelion


  • Peanut
  • Sesame 
  • Almond
  • Hazelnut 
  • Flax seeds


  • Beans
  • Soya
  • Lentil
  • Chickpea

foods containing calcium It's not just the foods we've listed above. Adding some cereals, juices, rice and soy calcium can be added. 

What is Calcium Vitamin?

calcium, daily body need can be met from the foods consumed. However, not every person can consume every nutrient for some reasons and these people's bodies calcium vitamin deficiency may occur. In similar cases calcium vitamin your body needs calcium helps you meet your needs. However, calcium mineral supplementsni Although prescribing a doctor is essential before use calcium vitamin There are also points to consider when buying. These points are;

If you;

  • heart medicine
  • thyroid medication
  • medicine used for the treatment of epilepsy
  • Cortisone,
  • stomach medications
  • some types of antibiotics

if you are taking medications such as vitamin calcium You may need to be careful when buying. The effect of these types of drugs calcium vitamin may increase or decrease with 

Bağışıklık Sistemi Nasıl Güçlenir

How to Strengthen the Immune System

Immune system It is important for the body to fight the diseases that may come from the outside or from the inside. Also during the pandemic immune system We need to pay attention to empowerment. we are for you too immune system We have compiled information about

What is the Immune System?

Immune system, It is the defense mechanism of a living being that tries to protect the body against diseases, in other words, it is the body's defense mechanism. It is a system that protects the body against viruses, tumors or structures that are harmful to the body. Also known as "Ummun". In our daily life, our body comes into contact with carcinogenic substances, viruses and bacteria many times. Immune system, It is important to fight foreign substances like these and it is a system that needs to be strengthened. Immune system, In fact, it is found throughout the body. However, there are also immune organs such as the spleen, lymph nodes and bone marrow. Mainly through four main lines immune system protects our body. These lines are;

  • phagocytes,
  • inflammatory,
  • Some plasma proteins
  • physical and chemical barriers, 

like lines. In short immune system It is a system that does not protect the body against foreign germs, bacteria and viruses. 

What Are the Foods That Strengthen the Immune System?

Immune system It is a system tasked with protecting the human body against foreign substances outside the body. Strengthening this system is important for fighting diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the diet and water consumption. It is necessary to pay attention not only to the diet or water consumption, but also to the variety of food consumed. We have researched for you the foods that strengthen the immune system. These foods are;

  • Water should be consumed; The need for water varies according to age and weight. On average, 2-2,5 L of water can be consumed per day. 
  • Vegetables and fruits should be consumed; Vegetables and fruits are important food sources of vitamins and antioxidants. A, C, E vitamins, folic acid, magnesium and minerals are foods that strengthen the immune system. Especially orange and acidic fruits are not consumed. 
  • Oat; Since it contains beta gluten, it protects the body against foreign substances.
  • Garlic; It is a powerful antioxidant because it contains allicin. Therefore the immune system supports. 
  • Yogurt and Kefir; They are important nutrients because they strengthen the intestinal flora, prevent the formation of inflammatory diseases and are antioxidants. 
  • fish consumption; Fish contains antioxidants and omega-3s. Therefore, it should be consumed twice a week.
  • turmeric, ginger; These foods should be consumed as they are rich in vitamin B6, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and fiber.
  • Blueberries; Since its antioxidant level is high and sugar level is low, it is a food that supports the prevention of many diseases, including cancer.
  • Nuts; They are rich in oil. They contain vitamin E, fiber, omega-3 magnesium and zinc. 

Foods like these foods that strengthen the immune system

What are the supplements that strengthen the immune system?

Immune system Strengthening has become even more important with the pandemic period. Diet, food variety and regular sleep are very important at this stage. However, it is sometimes not possible to establish this order due to environmental factors and working life. Since not every person can consume every nutrient, it may be necessary to take supplements from outside. Supplement to strengthen the immune system It is important to receive. However, it is useful to consult with the doctor before starting the supplements. As is generally known, vitamin C and vitamin D are important vitamins for the immune system. In addition, zinc, oil, iron selenium and minerals should be taken. of many brands immune system booster supplement There are products. You can use the one that suits you by looking at the content. However, there are points to be noted. These points are;

  • If there are drugs used in relation to other diseases,
  • If you have enough of a certain vitamin in your body,
  • It should be used under the supervision of a doctor,
  • It should be taken in a certain daily dose, this dose may vary from person to person.
Göz Sağlığımızı Korumak için Neler Yapmalıyız?

What Should We Do to Protect Our Eye Health?

Eye and eye health protection essential organ and condition. Eye strain is one of the important factors that trigger eye diseases. Looking at a computer, phone, blue screen for a long time eye health disruptive situations. we are for you too eyestrain and we have compiled information about eye health for you. 

Eyestrain Symptoms?

eyestrain, due to overwork of eye nerves and eye muscles eyes are tired. It is used as "asthenopia" in medical language. Nutritional deficiency, environmental factors, working conditions and continuous reading to eyestrain causing situations. Another type of eye strain isdigital eyestrain"Stop. Day by day this eyestrain becomes the most common species. eye strain If we list the symptoms, these symptoms are as follows;

  • eye burning condition
  • stinging eyes
  • Eye redness and dry eyes
  • Blurred and impaired vision
  • pain around the eyes
  • Head and neck pain
  • Sensitivity of the eye to light
  • Difficulty focusing

situations like eyestrain are symptoms. eye strain It can also be the cause of different eye problems. These diseases may be astigmatism, age-related nearsightedness, and hyperopia. 

What Is Good For Eyestrain?

eye strain There are many reasons and symptoms occur due to these reasons. To relieve the discomfort of eyestrain Adequate and regular nutrition is required. Good for eye strain There are also supplements that are natural methods. The important thing here is that your eye strain should be determined by an ophthalmologist and curative methods should be chosen accordingly. under this heading Methods for eye strain we will share. These methods are; 

  • Washing the eye by massaging the eye with cold water,
  • To rest the eyes with a cotton ball dripped with rose water,
  • The most used method is to rest the eyes by placing cucumber slices on the eyes.

Methods such as these are methods that are described naturally and can be easily applied at home. 

Foods Good for Eye Health?

Eye health, It depends on working conditions, genetic structure, and most importantly, adequate and balanced nutrition. It is necessary to create a balanced and varied diet because adequate and balanced vitamin, mineral and natural oil contents are important for eye health.  Best foods for eye health we have compiled for you. These foods are;

  • Carrot,
  • Spinach,
  • Blueberries, 
  • Seafood, especially salmon
  • Pumpkin,
  • Consuming water regularly
  • black grapes,
  • Strawberry,
  • Broccoli,
  • Pepper, 
  • Butter,
  • egg

Foods like these are foods that are good for eye health. It is necessary to add these nutrients to their eating patterns because they need to support eye health. 

The Type of Vitamin We Need to Get from the Foods We Eat for Our Eye Health 

Vitamins, minerals and natural oils are supplements that should be taken for body health. Vitamins, minerals and natural oils are necessary for general body health as well as eye health. The foods listed above include foods such as carrots, eggs and salmon. It is important for eye health as it contains vitamins, minerals and natural oils.. Vitamins we get from the foods we eat for our eye health What are the types and what do these types of vitamins do? We have compiled the answers to these questions for you. Vitamins we get from the foods we eat for our eye health and its functions are; 

  • vitamin A; In addition to animal foods, it is found in foods such as carrots, mushrooms and helps to prevent cataract formation and night vision problem.
  • B12; It is found in foods such as cheese and spinach and is good for eyestrain.
  • Vitamin E; It is found in foods such as olive oil and walnuts and prevents chronic eye diseases.
  • Omega-3 and Omega6; It is found in foods such as fish and flax seeds and is good for dry eyes. 
  • C vitamin; It is found in citrus fruits and is good for cataract deterioration. 
Kışı Sağlıklı Geçirmenin Yolları

Ways to Have a Healthy Winter

With the arrival of the winter months, colds, flu, colds and many other diseases that we all fear are at our door. It is in our hands to take measures against diseases that are at our door or may be at our door. There are many ways to spend the winter healthy. Ways to spend the winter healthyWe have compiled for you. 

Healthy eating

With the cooling of the weather, the diseases that we call winter diseases appear. In order to protect our body health against these diseases, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. Immune system The most important way to strengthen it is to eat a balanced and regular diet. A balanced and regular diet means getting enough vitamins and minerals from each food. body from food vitamins and mineralsIt helps us to protect ourselves from diseases and provides great support to the strengthening of the immune system. Eating healthy means not only consuming food, but also consuming enough water that the body needs. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to regular and sufficient water consumption in addition to a healthy, balanced diet.

Nutrition by Season

A regular and varied diet, supporting the intake of vitamins and minerals immune systemstrengthens it. For this, it is necessary to be fed with various and seasonal vegetables and fruits. “What are the benefits of the foods we consume in the summer for us in the winter?” Don't think so.

It is very important to consume vegetables and fruits with summer colors. From the vegetables and fruits consumed in the summer, our body stores vitamins and minerals for the winter, and it helps to strengthen both our body and our immune system before winter comes. Therefore, consuming colorful foods suitable for the season activates our body so that we can start the winter with a healthier and stronger immune system. But what do we mean when we talk about various colors? 

Yellow-colored fruits and vegetables such as grapefruit, pumpkin, corn, etc. foods such as We are talking about dark green vegetables, fruits, broccoli, leeks, apples and plums. In addition, red and purple colored foods should not be neglected.

Vitamin-Mineral Use

Consumption of vitamins and minerals strengthens the immune system. Thus, it supports our body to be prepared for winter. Vitamins and minerals can be obtained from food supplementary food can be taken as well. To be prepared for the winter Vitamin D level is very important. 

Vitamin D can be obtained from foods such as fish, eggs, sun, meat and mushrooms. However,  Vitamin D It is not just a type of vitamin that can be obtained from food. For this reason, it is necessary to consume vitamin D as a supplement. 

Do not neglect to consult your doctor before taking supplements. Besides vitamin D, Vitamin C You can also use supplements. To get vitamin C naturally, you can consume foods such as citrus fruits, peppers, and peas. 

To summarize, if you want to start the winter healthy and protect your health against diseases, you need to protect the vitamin and mineral values ​​in your body or bring them to the required level.

Vegan Beslenme Nedir?

What is Vegan Nutrition?

Day after day vegan diet rate is increasing. vegan dietThere are many reasons for this, from environmental factors to cultural and animal rights advocacy. In this article, we have compiled the effects of vegan diet on health.

What is Vegan?

“Don't be vegan” It includes not consuming animal products, not consuming animal foods, as well as not buying clothes, accessories or animal products produced in animals. Veganism, can be defined as nutrition and lifestyle. Vegan People who adopt the lifestyle argue that animals are not for humans. In short, veganism- vegan understandingIt is a way of life that is against all kinds of animal exploitation. In the vagan understanding; The consumption of milk and dairy products, gelatin, honey and some vitamin D3 is denied. Products such as silk, leather, wool and suede are strictly refused to be taken.  Vegan dietAlthough it may seem like a diet plan, it is actually a lifestyle.

What are the Differences Between Vegan Nutrition and Vegetarian Nutrition?

vegetarian diet;  They do not consume meat products such as meat, milk and fish. In addition to foods such as grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits and mushrooms, they can consume milk and dairy products, honey or eggs. From the point of view of diet and nutrition understanding Differences between veganism and vegetarianism, such as understanding, nutrition . Differences between veganism and vegetarianism We researched for you. These differences are;

· While vegetarians consume animal products, vegans do not consume animal products or food.

· Veganism adopts a single understanding, while vegetarianism can have more than one sub-understanding. If we list the sub-headings of vegetarianism;

– Lacto-Ovo vegetarians: No meat consumption, but can consume dairy products and eggs.

– Lacto-vegetarians: They do not consume meat, fish and eggs, they can consume dairy products.

– Ovo vegetarians: They do not consume meat, fish and dairy products, they consume eggs.

· Although both approaches advocate animal rights, vegetarians benefit from animal products.

Does Vegan Diet Cause Vitamin Deficiency?

The variety of foods in the vegan diet is decreasing. As a result of the decrease in food diversity, Some vitamin deficiencies can be seen in a vegan diet.. Vitamin deficiencies that may occur in a vegan diet to list;

·   Vitamin B12 Deficiency; Vitamin B12 or cobalamin cannot be produced by the body, so it must be taken from the outside. Vitamin B12 deficiency can be seen in a vegan diet, as the vitamin known as B12 or cobalamin is mostly found in animal foods.

·   Calcium Deficiency; Calcium plays a role in strengthening the bone and skeletal system. It is stored in bones and teeth. Since calcium is supplied from milk and dairy products, it does not comply with the nutritional understanding of vegans. Therefore, calcium deficiency can be seen in the understanding of vegan nutrition.

·   Iodine:  Iodine is involved in the proper functioning of the thyroid glands and in the synthesis of thyroid hormones. It is found in seafood, milk and dairy products. Therefore, iodine deficiency can be seen in the understanding of vegan nutrition.

·   Iron deficiency;  Iron is found in animal foods such as red meat, fish, and eggs. In fact, it is not only found in animal foods. However, it is found in higher mg in animal foods. Therefore, iron deficiency can be seen in people who adopt a vegan diet.

What Are Vegan Protein Sources?

In a vegan diet, some nutritional values ​​may be less. Protein is one of these nutritional values. Although it is known that protein is mostly found in animal products, it can also be found in some grains and vegetables. vegetable protein can be found. These grains and vegetables are:

·   Lentil; There are 100 grams of protein in 9 grams.

·   Tofu; There are 100 grams of protein in 8 grams.

·   Kidney bean; There are 10 grams of protein in 8 grams.

·   soy milk; A bowl of soy milk contains 8 grams of protein.

·   Pea; One serving of peas contains 8 grams of protein.

·   Engineer; A 100 gram serving contains 3,3 grams of protein.

·   Broccoli; One serving contains 4 grams of protein.

·   Almond; Two tablespoons of almonds contain 7 grams of protein.

·   Chickpeas; One serving contains 6-8 grams of protein.

What Are Vegan Omega-3 Sources?

The amount of omega-3 that should be taken in the diet should be between 250-500 mg. Although this rate varies according to age and gender, it is generally between these numbers. Food sources that vegans can consume and get omega-3s are as follows;

·   Chia Seed; There are 14 grams of omega-2.496s in 3 grams.

·   Flaxseed; There are 1 grams of omega-1.597s in 3 tablespoon.

·   Walnut: There are 100 grams of omega-9.080s in 3 grams.

·   Spinach; There are 100 grams of omega-92s in 3 grams.

·   Cauliflower; There are 100 grams of omega-167s per 3 grams.

· Brussels Sprouts; There are 100 grams of omega-173 in 3 grams.

·   Blueberries; There are 100 grams of omega-112s in 3 grams.

If you are allergic to these foods or do not like to consume them, with the advice of a doctor, Herbal Omega-3 food supplement with vegan content that already has a high-level character.

Does Vegan Diet Make You Gain Weight?

Vegan diet Although it is known as a nutritional habit that causes weight loss among the people, it is actually a result of regular and various food consumption. It is possible to gain weight. A person who adopts a vegan diet will gain weight. If he wants to, first of all, he should have his blood values ​​checked. For this, you can get support from specialist physicians. Moreover, The size of the portion also contributes to weight gain in a vegan diet.

Vegan mentality It is possible to adopt a healthy body at the same time. In a lifestyle where we maintain a Vegan approach by paying attention to our diet and the amount of vitamins and minerals that may be deficient in our body, both vegan and healthy We can be individuals.

Kobalamin Nedir?

What is Cobalamin?

cobalaminIt is popularly known as vitamin B12. cobalaminIt is a type of vitamin that is not produced in the body and stored in the body. we are for you too cobalamin We have compiled information about

What Does Cobalamin Do?

cobalamin It is a type of vitamin that is not produced in the body and can be taken from the outside. cobalamin commonly known as B12. cobalamin, Like other types of B vitamins, it is water-soluble. Cobalamin, known as B12takes part in metabolic activities. It has an important role in DNA synthesis, red blood formation, protecting the nervous system and immune system, and strengthening the immune system. Cobalamin aka B12Since it is not produced in the body, it is necessary to diversify the diet. cobalaminIt has many benefits not only for synthesizing and forming blood cells in the body, but also for the body. These benefits are;

In the body's energy production,

· Regulating the nervous system,

· In the normal functioning of amino acids (homocysteine),

Folic acid (vitamin B9) absorption,

In the production of blood cells,

· Preventing the formation of anemia,

at points like cobalamin possible to see the benefits.

Foods Containing Cobalamin?

cobalamin deficiencyshould be removed with the help of a doctor. However, in addition to the supplementary food recommended by the doctor, it is necessary to pay attention to daily eating habits. cobalamin that is, B12 is found in meat and fish, milk and dairy products. Foods containing cobalamin are as follows;

Offal (Liver, Spleen etc.)

Shellfish (mussels, oysters, etc.)

Milk and dairy products (Milk, yoghurt, cheese)

· Red meat

· Egg,

· Chicken

Tuna, trout, herring and mackerel,

foods like cobalamin contains. If your daily diet is vegan or vegetarian, cobalamin deficiency can trigger. Therefore, with the help of experts cobalamin deficiency can be remedied.

What Are the Symptoms of Cobalamin Deficiency?

Colabamin is important for improving nervous system and brain functions. That's why too  Cobalamin (B12 deficiency) definitely needs to be fixed. A certain amount of daily cobalamin must be taken into the body. Adolescents aged 14 and over and adults should take 2,4 mg, pregnant women 2,6 mg and lactating women 2,8 mg. If enough daily In cobalamin deficiency, some symptoms can be observed in the body. If you yourself;

·   Weakness,

Heart palpitations,

· Loss of appetite,

· Fading on the skin,

· tingling,

Hair shedding

If you observe symptoms such as cobalamin (B12) deficiency it could be. This deficiency must be remedied immediately.  Cobalamin deficiency To eliminate it, you should consult a doctor and according to the desired blood tests. food supplement containing cobalamin You may need to start taking

5 Soruda Koronavirüs Belirtileri

Coronavirus Symptoms in 5 Questions

What are the symptoms of coronavirus?

Coronavirus, also known as covid-19, can be defined as a viral respiratory disease diagnosed with symptoms of high fever and shortness of breath. We have compiled information about the coronavirus for you. Healthy reading!

What are the symptoms of coronavirus?

Coronavirus is a type of disease that causes respiratory diseases and is transmitted from person to person. There are many types of coronavirus. these varieties have different specifics and different diseases that they cause. However, the covid-19 coronavirus type, which is more common today and declared as a pandemic all over the world, causes serious respiratory diseases such as respiratory distress and pneumonia. If we list the symptoms of coronavirus, these symptoms are as follows;

  •   Cough
  •   High fever,
  •   Tiredness,

These symptoms are relatively mild and common symptoms of coronavirus.

  •   Throat ache
  •   Headache
  •   muscle, joint pain,
  •   Loss of taste and smell,
  •   Shortness of breath
  •   Diarrhea
  •   Nausea,
  • skin rash,
  •   Change in color of fingers and toes

Symptoms like these are less common symptoms of coronavirus.

  • Shortness of breath
  •   chest pain
  •   Feeling of pressure in the chest
  •   speech loss
  • loss of movement

Symptoms like these are serious coronavirus symptoms.


How is the Coronavirus Test Done?

There are tests that can look at the molecular structure of the coronavirus. PCR tests, which are also used in the diagnosis of different diseases, are generally applied in Turkey. These molecular tests will be able to test the amount of viral genetic material and thus test the virus. The duration of the coronavirus test results may vary depending on the laboratories and the density of the laboratories. We can say that it can vary between 24 hours and 36 hours. While public hospitals must have at least two specifics for the coronavirus test, private hospitals do not seek such a condition. The stages of the coronavirus test are as follows;

  • Test takers wear equipment to protect themselves,
  •   With the help of a swab from the nose or nasal passage, called a swab, samples are taken and placed in a closed box.

That's it for the whole coronavirus testing process.

How Many Days Does the Coronavirus Heal?

The recovery period of the coronavirus varies according to the age of the person, the immune system and whether or not they have a chronic disease.

  •   Those who survived the coronavirus lightly; They are treated by rest and drinking plenty of fluids. Those who have had a mild coronavirus can regain their former health in a short time. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the recovery time for those who have mildly recovered from the coronovirus is 2 weeks.
  •   Those who survived the coronavirus hard; On the 7th to 10th day of the coronavirus, the course may change and the patient's condition may worsen. Shortness of breath, a burning sensation in the lungs is revealed. According to experts, the recovery period of those who have survived the coronavirus varies between 2 and 8 weeks.
  •   Those who survived the coronavirus severely; These patients are admitted to the intensive care unit. The recovery period of patients who are taken to intensive care due to coronavirus can take 12 to 18 months.

How Is It Transmitted?

The coronavirus is transmitted from person to person through droplets. Direct contact also increases this contagion situation. The transmission of the coronavirus can occur as follows:

  •   by coughing
  •   by sneezing

  After touching the surfaces that a person with coronavirus has touched, your hands;

  •   to your mouth,
  •   To eye,
  •   Coronavirus can be transmitted by contact with the nasal mucosa.

It is emphasized that attention should be paid to the use of masks, social distance and hand hygiene in Turkey, as contamination occurs through contact or droplets.

What Should We Do to Protect Against Coronavirus?

Three situations have been determined as the most basic way of protection from coronavirus. These situations are;

  •   Wearing mask,
  •    Maintaining social distance,
  •   Washing hands.  

In addition to these three conditions, it is necessary to strengthen our health and immune system. For this, it is necessary to pay attention to the variety of food and to consume seasonal foods. Apart from this, we can list the things to be done to protect from coronavirus as follows:

To be protected from the corona virus;

  •   It is necessary to pay attention to the consumption of protein and healthy food.
  •   Vitamin C should be taken. For this, citrus fruits can be consumed, and when citrus fruits are not enough, supplementary food can be used with the advice of a doctor.
  •   Sleep time varies for each age. Therefore, you should pay attention to the correct sleep time depending on your age.
  •   Vitamin D strengthens the immune system Vitamin D supplement receivable.
  •   negatively affecting the immune system Stress should also be avoided.

Coronavirus How Long Does It Live on Surfaces?

coronavirus, It lives on inanimate surfaces and continues to live for a certain period of time. Viruses must live in living cells. That is, they can exist on the surface for a certain period of time. of the coronavirus when it first appeared, of the coronavirus It was stated that he lived more than 24 hours to live on inanimate surfaces. Now is of the coronavirus lifeless It is possible to say that it stays on the surfaces longer.


  •   3 hours in the air,
  •   2-3 days on plastic surfaces,
  •   2-3 days on steel surfaces,
  •   in carton, 24 hours in paper


Ramazanda Sağlıklı Beslenme

Healthy Eating During Ramadan

Fasting in Ramadan changes our daily life for a while. There are some habits that should be considered in order not to adversely affect our body in this change. Besides The fact that the month of Ramadan coincides with the covid-19 pandemic period gives us the signals that extra attention should be paid to body health during this period. We are also for you in the month of Ramadan healthy eating We have compiled the ways for you, healthy reading!

What should we pay attention to so that immunity does not decrease while fasting?

Fasting can increase your body resistance. However, while fasting, increasing body resistance should be done consciously and fasting should be done with care. When fasting, paying attention to the diet, healthy eating rules, water consumption between iftar and sahur and sleep patterns can increase the body's resistance, cells can be renewed and the immune system is positively affected while the harmful substances in the body are cleaned. What can be done to prevent immunity from falling while fasting is as follows;

· It is necessary to pay attention to adequate protein and sufficient fluid intake between iftar and suhoor.

It should be fed without tiring the stomach, without consuming too much carbohydrates or sugar,

Vegetables, protein or fiber foods should be consumed,

Fruit consumption should not be neglected.

· Milk and dairy products should be consumed.

Walnuts and eggs can be consumed to keep them full and prevent immunity from falling.

What Should Be Considered While Fasting?

While fasting, the meal order, water consumption and meal order change. There are points to be considered in order not to shake the body. These points are as follows;

Adequate and balanced nutrition is required,

· It is necessary to get up for sahur,

Portion control should be done in iftar,

A snack can be made between iftar and sahur. Fruit can be consumed at this snack.

Drinking water at regular intervals, not all at once, will be more beneficial for body health.

Meals should be consumed slowly and chewed.

Avoid fatty foods such as roasted, excessively salty, sugary and fried foods.

Instead of caffeinated drinks, ayran, mineral water or freshly squeezed fruit juices can be preferred.

By avoiding physical activities that will increase thirst, daily stretching, yoga or desk exercises can be done.

How to Eat in Ramadan?

Ramadan is a monthly period in which diet and lifestyle change. Adequate, balanced and healthy nutrition is the most important point to be considered. As in every season, it is important to consume seasonal fruits and vegetables, to pay attention to the meals and to consume the right foods in the right amount during Ramadan. It is essential not to skip meals, to get up for sahur and to avoid heavy, oily, excessively salty or sugary foods.

· At sahur; milk, yogurt, cheese, eggs, whole grain breads can be consumed. Soup, olive oil dishes can also be preferred.

Cereals such as beans, chickpeas or lentils that can keep you full during the day can be preferred.

· Iftar; At this point, the point to be considered is not to eat fast and more than necessary. Fried, pasta or pastries should be avoided as much as possible. Apart from this, attention should be paid to the portion and balanced consumption. 

Who Is At Risk During Ramadan?

Fasting in Ramadan is obligatory for people in good health. For this reason, those in the risk group should definitely talk to the doctor and perform their prayers in this direction or not. We can explain the risk groups who cannot fast during Ramadan as follows;

Those with cardiovascular disease,

High blood pressure patients,

Diabetes (diabetes) patients,

· Pregnant women,

Those with kidney failure,

Dialysis patients,

Those undergoing cancer treatment,

· Children

· Seniors

Patients who need to use regular medication due to a disease

is in the risk group.

What Should Be Considered While Fasting During Covid-19?

The most important issue to be considered while fasting during the Covid-19 period is not to lower immunity. For this, regular and healthy eating The rule of thumb should be followed regularly, adequate water should be consumed and supplementary food should be taken if necessary. At this point, in addition to the protein, fat and carbohydrate that should be consumed daily, it is necessary to take enough vitamins and minerals from the food into the body. Since vitamin D is not taken enough from food or the sun on a daily basis, it is necessary not to neglect vitamin D, which strengthens the immune system, especially in Ramadan. Food supplement for vitamin D receivable. During Ramadan and Covid-19, it is necessary to pay attention to vitamin C as well as vitamin D. Therefore, foods rich in vitamin C should be consumed. During this period, with the advice of a doctor multivitamins food supplements can be taken.

A Vitamini Faydaları Nelerdir?

What Are the Benefits of Vitamin A?

Vitamin A is an important type of vitamin that affects various functions of the body. Therefore, it has many benefits for the body. Benefits of vitamin A is as follows;

It reduces the risk of cancer.

It is useful for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

· Nourishes hair and skin.

· Protects eye health.

Makes it easier to see in the dark.

It is beneficial for teeth and gum health.

It is beneficial for the health of the mucous membrane.

It has a restorative and nourishing effect on soft tissues.

It is beneficial for a healthy pregnancy period.

Supports gut and intestinal health.

It has been found to have benefits on breast milk after pregnancy.

Vitamin A has a regenerative effect on the cell, as it acts as an antioxidant.

What are the Symptoms of Vitamin A Deficiency?

A balanced and regular diet is important for the intake of vitamin A into the body. If you do not eat regularly and in season, it can cause many health problems, especially night blindness. Vitamin A deficiencyIt is necessary to carefully observe the symptoms of Symptoms of vitamin A deficiency are as follows;

· Dry Skin; Many skin problems, especially eczema, can be a symptom of vitamin A deficiency.

·   Dry Eye; Vitamin A is a type of vitamin that is effective on eye health. Therefore, dry eyes can be a sign of vitamin A deficiency.

· Acne and acne; Since vitamin A fights inflammation in the skin, if you have a vitamin A deficiency, acne and pimples may appear on your skin.

Hardening of the tissues that protect the body; When the tissues that protect the body become dry or rough, this is a sign of vitamin A.

Which Diseases Cause Vitamin A Deficiency?

Vitamin A deficiency may need to be suspected when the development of the growth and development system is more stable than it should be. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to many other diseases. These diseases;

· Infertility

Slow growth,

Persistent infection,

Wounds that do not have a healing period,

Night blindness

Injury on the cornea and consequent loss of vision,

Fatty liver

Diseases such as vitamin A deficiency can be caused by diseases. Therefore, you can take vitamin A supplements by consulting your doctor. In this way, you can prevent diseases that may occur due to vitamin A deficiency.

What Foods Have Vitamin A?

Consuming variety and seasonal foods in the daily diet is important in getting the nutrients that the body needs. Nutritional order and nutritional diversity are also important in the intake of vitamin A into the body. Foods containing vitamin A are as follows;

Foods containing vitamin A of animal origin,

- Liver

- Fish oil

- Milk and milk products

Foods containing plant-derived vitamin A,

– Yellow and orange vegetables; like carrots and winter squash

– Dark green leafy vegetables,

· Natural oils,

They are foods rich in vitamin A. Adding it to the daily diet is necessary to eliminate vitamin A deficiency.

What is the Body's Daily Vitamin A Requirement?

The vitamins that the body needs differ from person to person, from weight to weight, from age to age, and from gender to gender. The recommended daily amount of vitamin A is as follows;

0-6 Months, 400 micrograms

7-12 Months, 500 micrograms

1-3 years old, 400 mcg

4-8 years old, 400 mcg

9-13 years old, 600 mcg

+14 years old men, 900 mcg

In women aged 14+, 700 mcg

During pregnancy, 770 mcg

During lactation, 1.300 mcg

You can benefit from natural foods, fruits and vegetables containing vitamin A to meet your daily vitamin A need. Also, consult your doctor. Vitamin A supplement or using a multivitamin containing vitamin A will ensure that the need for vitamin A is met.

Ginseng Nedir?

What is Ginseng?

Ginseng is one of the plants that we have come across a lot in supplements recently. Ginseng is known to be beneficial for body health. We also researched the properties of ginseng for you. We wish you healthy reading!

What is Ginseng?

Ginseng comes from the Greek word Panacea, which means "healing everything, repairing everything". It is known to be used in Chinese medicine for many years. As the name suggests, it is a type of plant that restores and improves health. Plants that support and increase the body's resistance to biological and chemical stress are known as "adaptogen plants". Ginseng is among these adaptogen plants. 

Ginseng plant is used in supplements as a sedative, calming, diuretic and immune system strengthening and repairing herb. Moreover, ginseng plant It is an antioxidant. Ginseng is a short slow growing herb, so there are three types depending on how long it takes to grow. These varieties are as follows;

– white Ginseng; It is harvested after growing for a maximum of 4 years. 

– Fresh Ginseng;

– Red Ginseng; It is actually a type of ginseng. Ginseng is the difference in the harvest time of the plant. The harvest time of the red ginseng plant is after the plant has grown for 6 years or more. 

What Are the Benefits of Ginseng?

Ginseng has many health benefits, as can be understood from the meaning of "healing everything, repairing everything". If we list these benefits, these benefits are as follows;

It is cell regenerative due to its antioxidant properties.

Since it is an antioxidant, it has a side that supports the body against cancer. 

It has anti-inflammatory properties.

It also contributes to the development of brain functions.

· It strengthens the immune system.

It relieves fatigue and supports the formation of energy in the body.

May help lower blood sugar.

It can increase sperm count and quality. 

Since it is an antioxidant, it has a side that supports the body against cancer. 

It purifies the liver from toxins.

Increases body resistance.

It has a healing effect on bronchitis, asthma and circulatory diseases. 

What Are Ginseng Side Effects?

Although the ginseng plant is known to be beneficial for the body, side effects can be seen depending on the usage situation or the sensitivity of people to the ginseng plant. The side effects of the ginseng plant are as follows;

· May cause sleep problems.

It may adversely affect the digestive system when consumed more than necessary.

May trigger irritable mood.

May cause dry mouth due to excessive consumption.

May cause dizziness and headache.

May cause blurred vision and hazy vision.

May cause nosebleeds due to excessive consumption. 

· May cause skin rash.

In order to avoid these side effects, we recommend that you consult your doctor before using ginseng supplements. Your doctor will recommend you the daily dose suitable for your body health. 

How is the ginseng plant used?

The ginseng plant is generally available in dry form, and this dry form is consumed. The ginseng plant can be consumed by adding it to different drinks or by adding it to meals. It is also consumed by making different teas with the roots of the ginseng plant. Same time, supplementary foodIt can also be taken into the body with the help of food supplements. The usage area of ​​ginseng plant is expanding by adding it in hair tonic, skin care products and cosmetic products. Ginseng can also be found in capsule or tablet form. It is recommended to consume 1-2 grams of ginseng root daily or 200-400 mg of extract (plant extract). 

What is the Price of Ginseng Herb? 

Prices for the ginseng herb can vary based on three key variables. These variables are the brand, form, and place of purchase of the products. The first point that affects the price of ginseng is the brand of the product. The price of the ginseng plant varies from brand to brand. Another variable point is the form of this plant. In other words, the powder form of the product can be priced differently, the tablet form can be priced differently. Our last variable is where you bought the product. In short, the price of the ginseng plant may vary depending on the brand, type and place of sale. 

Bun Testi Nedir? Vücuttaki Bun Değeri Ne Olmalıdır?

What is the Bun Test? What should be the value of this in the body?

The smooth functioning of kidney functions is very important for the digestive system. The blood test to understand whether the kidney functions are healthy is called the BUN Blood Test. We have compiled information about the Bun Test for you. Healthy reading!

What is the Bun Test? 

The bun test is defined as a test to analyze how well the kidneys are functioning. This test is also known as "blood urea nitrogen". Urea nitrogen is the waste material produced in the liver when the body breaks down proteins. Healthy kidneys filter this urea nitrogen and help it get rid of it through urine. In case of damage to the kidneys or liver, “BUN” (urea) nitrogen level may increase. Excess urea nitrogen in the blood is a sign of health problems in the kidneys and livers. This value varies according to the age and gender of the patient. In general, the following values ​​are considered normal for the BUN, ie urea value;

– In adult males; 8-24 mg/dL

– In adult women; 6-21 mg/dL

– in children aged 1-17; 7-20 mg/dL

– Adults aged 60 and over have higher normal BUN (urea) levels than adults under 60.

bun test

What is the Bun Test Used for?

Bun test is a blood test application used to analyze kidney function. In some cases, this test may not be enough to make a diagnosis. In such cases, other blood tests such as a creatinine test may also be done. The bun test is used to diagnose the following conditions. These situations are;

Liver damage,

Poor circulation,

Urinary tract diseases,

Congestive heart failure

Gastrointestinal bleeding,

· Not enought feeding,

To understand whether existing diseases are due to the kidneys

· To learn the status of kidney functions,

· The bun test can also be done to determine the route for dialysis treatment. The bun test only measures the amount of urea nitrogen. The bun test is not used to diagnose why the urea nitrogen count is high or low. 

What are the Causes of High Bun Test Value?

This test can show problems with the liver and kidneys. However, this test does not tell the causes of the health problem, so research is needed to understand the cause of the health problem. If your BUN values ​​are high, it may be due to the following reasons;

Heart ailments,

– heart failure

- Heart attack



Bleeding in the digestive system

Dehydration (dehydration)

High protein levels

Kidney diseases

- Kidney failure

– Congestion in the urinary tract

· Stress

· State of being shocked

· Medicines used for some treatments can cause high Bun levels. 

In order to reduce the level of this, first of all, it is necessary to diagnose the diseases that cause the increase of this level. In this case, adequate fluid consumption and a low protein diet program can help decrease Bun values. 

What Are the Symptoms of BUN Height? 

The reason for the high level of bun, that is, the level of urea, may be health problems in the kidneys. BUN (urea), which occurs as a result of the breakdown of protein, accumulates in the blood when the kidneys cannot excrete this urea through urine. The possible symptoms of the height of this level are as follows;

Weakness in the muscles

Extreme weight loss

Loss of appetite

· Irregular sleep

· Headache

Respiratory disorder

· Anemia

· Nausea 


Burning sensation in the mouth and dryness in the mouth

· State of fatigue

Constant hiccuping

· Breath odor

Symptoms such as can occur due to the high level of Bun. You need to consult a physician to determine this clearly and to diagnose and treat any underlying health problems. Your doctor will make the appropriate guidance for you. 

What are the Causes of Low BUN Level?

Low levels of this are not uncommon. In cases such as irregular and insufficient nutrition and insufficient water consumption, low BUN level may be encountered. 

Inability to get as much protein as the body needs

Use of antibiotics and anabolic steroids,

  • Although rare; 

- Liver related diseases

– Problems of the digestive system 

– Diabetes

– Cirrhosis 

– Tuberculosis 

Interventions to the pancreas

– Removal of a part of the pancreas,

– Pancreatic insufficiency 

– Pancreatic cancer

· Liver failure

· Not enought feeding

– Inadequate protein intake


Release of antidiuretic hormone 

Some diseases may be the cause of low BUN level. In order to reveal these reasons, you should consult a doctor and follow the treatment methods that your doctor has determined for you in order to treat these problems.

In addition, in order to regulate the blood values ​​in our body and not to experience vitamin and mineral deficiencies that will endanger our health, with the advice of a doctor, supplementary food and multivitamins It is one of the things we need to do to protect our health.

D3 Vitamini Nedir? D3 Vitamini Nelerde Bulunur?

What is Vitamin D3? What Is Vitamin D3 Found in?

What is Vitamin D3?

Vitamin D is basically divided into 5 groups. However, D1-D2-D3 vitamins stand out among these groups. Vitamins D2 and D3 are the basic types of vitamins we need. Vitamin D3 is one of the two types of vitamins in the vitamin D group. Vitamin D3 is a type of vitamin that is stored/enzymed in the skin. Cholecalciferol, called prototypical secosteroid, is in the vitamin group. Vitamin D3 is stored by converting the compounds taken from foods such as this vitamin produced by the body on the skin with sunlight.  Vitamin D3 It helps minerals such as vitamins, calcium and magnesium to be used by the body. Vitamin D3 is more important for the body than vitamin D2 and its deficiency must be corrected immediately. For this FortimD You can take a look at the supplementary food product. 

What Does Vitamin D3 Do?        

Vitamin D3, which our body naturally produces with the help of nutrients and sunlight, can also be taken as supplementary food today. Vitamin D3, which cannot be obtained naturally, should be taken with supplementary food, because vitamin D3 has many uses in the human body. The effect of vitamin D3 on the human body is as follows;

· Supports human psychology.

It reduces the risk of depression.

Supports bone health.

Supports bone formation

· Regulates metabolism

· Strengthens the immune system 

It has positive effects on hypertension.

It has positive effects on cancer.

Calcium and phosphorus can be activated with vitamin D3. Without vitamin D3, calcium and phosphorus cannot be activated in the body. 

It is an active and important type of vitamin for the body at many points.

What Are the Symptoms of Vitamin D3 Deficiency?

Vitamin D3 deficiency is a major problem. In this regard, it is recommended to eliminate Vitamin D3 deficiency in order not to encounter different and serious health problems in the medium and long term. Also not getting healthy sunlight Vitamin D3 deficiencyIt is one of the most important causes of the disease, because vitamin D3 is activated by sunlight. Vitamin D3 deficiencies are as follows; 

If there is a threshold for vitamin D3;

General body pain,


Bone/Joint pain,

Hair loss / flaking on the scalp,

· Nail breakage,

altered mood/depression


Frequent infections, 

Certain growth and development retardation, 

Excessive sweating,

Persistent cold

Disturbance in the perception of place and time,

· vomiting,


Weight loss, 

· Hypertension,

Such symptoms can be seen on the human body.  

How to Use Vitamin D3

The use of vitamin D3 varies depending on age, gender and physical activity. That's why it's like the use case of all vitamins Vitamin D3 It should not be forgotten that the dose also requires blood analysis and doctor control. If it is not taken under the control of a doctor, it may have side effects on body health. However, we have compiled for you how it can be used in which situations. vitamin D3;

It should definitely be taken with a glass of water.

It should be taken in the morning, taken in the evening can cause palpitations and insomnia. 

If you are using any medication, do not use vitamin D3 without consulting your doctor because it may reduce the effect of the drug you use or have side effects. 

Use as much as the doctor recommends.

can be used in the form. 

What is the Daily Vitamin D3 Need?

Vitamin D3It can be taken into the body from sunlight and food as well as being produced naturally by the body. The situation of taking vitamin D3 from outside may vary from country to country and according to life style. As we said, the most important factor here is the sun factor. The sun factor affects the diversity of foods grown as well as the storage of vitamin D3 in the human body. North Europe While this requirement increases in countries with low sun exposure, such as countries with low sun exposure, it is almost nonexistent in the equatorial region. However, of course, eating habits are also effective on this situation. In the conditions of Turkey, the rate of people's exposure to sunlight decreases with the concretization. Therefore, in Turkey, doctors recommend taking vitamin D3 as a supplement. 

Daily need for vitamin D3; 

– newborns and first-year children; 1000-1500 UIs 

– Children and Breastfeeding Women; 5mg (200 UI)

– Individuals Under 50; (200 UIs)

– Individuals aged 51-65; 10mg (400 UI)

– Individuals Over 65; 15mg (600 UI)

In Which Foods Is Vitamin D3 Found?

Vitamin D3 We can get it from environmental factors (sun), as well as from food. If environmental factors such as sun and vitamin intake from food are not sufficient, it can be taken into the body with additional medical supplements. However, we Vitamin D3 We have listed the foods found for you. These foods are;

Fish (Mackerel, salmon and tuna)

· Fish oil

· Egg

· Caviar

· Milk

· Soy milk  

· Kefir

· Cheese

Vitamin D3 can be found in foods such as 

What you need daily amount of vitamin D3 supplemental vitamins and supplements that you will use with the advice of your doctor multivitaminsYou can also receive from