Color blindness can be defined as a type of visual impairment in which colors or the differences between colors are not understood. Color blindness, which occurs when people realize that they cannot perceive the color red and green, can also occur in the way that all colors are perceived as gray and gray tones, although it is rare.

Who gets color blindness? 

Color blindness can occur in two different ways;

1- Color blindness due to hereditary causes; It can be passed from parents to children via the sex chromosome known as the x chromosome.

2- Acquired, occurring later color blindness; It may occur due to various reasons, such as the side effects of drugs used in the treatment of other diseases, which may occur in cases of certain problems in the retina or the visual center of the brain or damage to the parts that affect vision.  

The incidence of color blindness is higher in men than in women, because men have one X chromosome and women have two X chromosomes. While visual impairment is seen at a rate of 0% in women, this situation increases by 5% in men. 

How is color blindness detected? 

It is recommended that you see an ophthalmologist as soon as possible when it is understood that some colors are difficult to perceive or that some colors are not seen at all. The ophthalmologist can diagnose that you are colorblind after a thorough examination and based on the results of the necessary tests. Color blindness tests You can tell if you are colorblind or not.

Color blindness test is a diagnostic method that is not difficult. In this test, it is necessary to find the numbers or patterns of different colors hidden inside the colors. If you are half or fully colorblind, you will not be able to read hidden images or numbers made of different colors and dots. Based on the test results, the ophthalmologist can diagnose color blindness.

Can color blindness be treated? 

Special Contact Lenses and Glasses are available to treat Color Blindness. So, there are colored contact lenses and glasses produced for colorblind patients. The ophthalmologist tests different colors from the trial set of these contact lenses and glasses to the patient. It is analyzed which color contact lenses or glasses can distinguish colors better, and then the patient starts to use contact lenses and glasses of this color. Such optical devices do not completely treat color blindness, but they are a very important treatment method for color blindness, especially in terms of distinguishing colors during the day and making daily life easier.

What should we do to protect eye health?

Protecting eye health It is very important for viewing angle. We recommend that you pay attention to the following criteria to protect vision health; 

· Clean Air; clean air level in the environment in order to prevent the eyes from getting germs and eye health very important for 

· Consuming Vegetables; Include seasonal vegetables in your diet your eye health very important for The best vegetables for eye health;

- Cabbage,

- broccoli, 

– arugula 

– green leafy vegetables

· Adequate Water and Sleep; Consuming two and a half to 3 liters of water during the day is necessary to meet the moisture needed by the eyes. At the same time, sleeping 7 to 8 hours a day is very important for eye health.

· Avoiding Substances Containing Preservatives; It is necessary to choose products that do not contain preservatives as much as possible. It is necessary to pay attention to the expiry date of products used for the eyes. 

· Protection from UV Rays; It is necessary to protect the eyes from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Because these rays can cause permanent damage to the retina of the eye. 

· Select Glasses; Regularly being examined by an ophthalmologist and using the glasses that the eye needs eye health is very important for Especially using sunglasses is necessary to protect the eyes from the harmful rays of the sun.

· Apply the 20/20/20 Rule; This rule that can be applied for eye health is to look at a point that is about 20 meters away for 20 seconds at intervals of 20 minutes.

What are the symptoms of color blindness? 

Color blindness is an inherited, genetically transmitted visual impairment. It is usually transferred from the sex chromosomes to the baby by being carried over the X chromosome. Color blindness is of two types; 

deuter anomalies 

· protanomaly

 In both color blindness, the patient cannot distinguish between green and blue colors. Color blindness is not usually a visual disorder with many symptoms. The symptoms of color blindness can often differ from those of partial or complete color blindness. 

– In partial color blindness, blue, red and green colors cannot be perceived or distinguished at different levels.

– In complete color blindness, colors are perceived as black, white and shades of gray. Therefore, the symptoms may differ depending on the visual impairment of the patient.  


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