Artichoke, which is a strong source of fiber, supports individuals in the weight loss process. It is known for its digestive properties. Other benefits of artichoke can be listed as follows.
It is an ideal food source for the health of the circulatory system. especially bad It balances good cholesterol by lowering cholesterol. It prevents risky diseases such as high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack and vascular occlusion.
– When the artichoke vegetable is consumed with olive oil, it protects the cells in the sections from the mouth to the stomach.
– Minimizes the risk of cancer.
– Helps balance stomach acid.
- Protects the stomach wall.
– Prevents bad breath.
– Artichoke, which is very rich in potassium, helps to increase the function of internal organs. In addition, thanks to the copper it contains, it helps to produce red blood cells.
- Balances the amount of oxygen in the body.
– Strengthens memory.
– It has the ability to regenerate the liver. Thus, it helps to remove toxins from the body.
– It has a healing effect on skin diseases.
Thanks to its 30% vitamin K, it helps bone and muscle development.
- Due to the potassium it contains, it provides rapid regeneration of cells.
Why should we consume artichokes?
We can list the reasons for consuming artichokes as follows;
- Thanks to the high protein, it strengthens the heart muscle, reduces the urea level, and thus the heart works comfortably.
- Artichoke is a very powerful food in terms of iron.
- Thanks to its antioxidant feature, it helps to remove toxic substances from the body and ensures the healthy functioning of the liver.
- The potassium mineral in its structure provides the sodium-potassium balance in the body, and thanks to this feature, blood pressure becomes more regular.
- The substance called 'cynarin' contained in the artichoke helps to lower the bad cholesterol in the blood.
- Thanks to its high fiber structure, it balances blood sugar.
- It supports the reduction of nicotine level in the lungs of smokers.
In which season are artichokes eaten?
Artichoke should be consumed in April and May. In other words, it would be correct to consume artichokes in the spring months. However, you may not like artichokes or you may be sensitive to artichokes. Because FortimMulti We recommend that you take supplements. In this way, you can get the nutritional values of the artichoke into your body with FortimMulti.
Vitamins and minerals in artichokes
Artichokes contain high levels of vitamins K and C. You can meet your body's calcium, zinc, potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and fiber needs with artichokes that are regularly consumed in the season.
The most well-known feature of artichoke is that it cleans the liver. However, it is not only liver friendly, but also has positive effects on bones, brain and skin. Artichoke contains vitamin C and vitamin K, as well as antioxidant, vitamin B6 and minerals. Foods with antioxidant properties play a very important role in regulating cholesterol levels. In this regard, it is beneficial to consume artichoke regularly to keep cholesterol in balance.
It helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases caused by high cholesterol with the antioxidant property of artichoke.
Fresh artichoke leaves have diuretic properties.
Artichoke contains high vitamin C and thus it is an important food source in strengthening the immune system and protecting from diseases.
It is very rich in B6 in artichokes and helps protect such cells.
Since it contains iron, it protects the person against diseases caused by iron deficiency such as anemia and treats iron deficiency.
It reduces the risk of Alzheimer's.
Protects bone health and prevents bone diseases that can be seen due to osteoporosis.