The use of Vitamin D is important for human health. It must be present in the body sufficiently and vitamin d is important to maintain its regularity in the body. In these days when the use of vitamins is important, we are in front of you with information about Vitamin D. We have compiled information about Vitamin D for you, we wish you a healthy reading! 

What is Vitamin D? 

Vitamin D is a type of vitamin that is fat-soluble and stored in the liver and adipose tissue. This type of vitamin has important effects on calcium and phosphorus absorption. Vitamin D, which plays an active role in the skeleton, bone development and mineralization of the bone system, is basically divided into 5 groups. However, D1-D2-D3 vitamins stand out among these groups. Vitamins D2 and D3 are among the basic types of vitamins we need. 

Vitamin D; 

•           skeletal system

• immune system, 

• to prevent the formation of colon and breast cancer, 

• prevention and treatment of diabetes, 

• skin health, 

• prevention of heart diseases,

• depression 

It plays an important role in preventing diseases such as

What Are the Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency? 

Deficiency of vitamins can cause certain diseases in humans. Today's living standards, working in closed offices, having to live in houses without a garden, malnutrition and inactivity can cause vitamin D deficiency because the biggest source of vitamin D is the sun. Therefore, not getting healthy sunlight is one of the most important causes of Vitamin D deficiency.

If we list the symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency;

• General body pain,

• Fatigue/weakness,

• Bone/Joint pain,

• Hair loss/scaling on the scalp,

• Nail breakage,

• Changeable mood/depression,

• Insomnia,

• Frequent infections, 

• Certain growth and development retardation, 

• Excessive sweating,

• Constant coldness,

• Disturbance in the perception of place and time,

• Vomiting,

• Constipation,

• Weight loss, 

• Hypertension,

Symptoms such as vitamin D deficiency are the most common symptoms.  

What Are the Benefits of Vitamin D?

As with every vitamin, the correct vitamin intake and the intake of the body according to the needs of the body. Vitamin Dis beneficial to the human body. The right type of vitamin and taking it as needed is an important point. To list the benefits of Vitamin D;

• It strengthens the immune system and protects the body against diseases by fighting viruses and bacteria that cause diseases.

• It reduces depression by regulating mood and preventing chronic fatigue.

• Protects bone health by helping the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body.

• It reduces the risk of diabetes by regulating the insulin level.

• By regulating intercellular communication, it helps the destruction of cancerous cells, and is effective in preventing cancer by supporting the formation of healthy cells.    

• It is useful in preventing cognitive disorders as it plays an important regulatory role in the nervous system by helping to regulate brain development and functions. 

• By supporting the development of skin cells, it helps to repair the skin and heal wounds quickly.

What Foods Contain Vitamin D? 

Fruits Containing Vitamin D; 

Vitamins must be taken into the body from environmental factors as well as from food. If the sun (environmental factors), nutrients are not sufficient, additional medical supplements can be taken. For this, first of all, it is necessary to consult a doctor. However, first of all, we need to integrate regular nutrition into our lives. That's why we have listed fruits containing vitamin D for you. These fruits;

In fact, almost every fruit contains vitamin D. However, if you need to list in particular;

•           Orange; Although it is known as a vitamin C store, orange is also an important fruit type in terms of vitamin D.

•           Apple; It is an important fruit that needs to be consumed in winter and contains vitamin D. 

•           Watermelon; Although we may eat it to cool off in the summer, capuz is also an important fruit containing vitamin D because it sees the sun and sweetens when it sees the sun. 

•           Banana; Although it is basically known with vitamin A, it is actually a fruit that contains vitamin D and should be consumed.

•           Grape; It is a type of fruit that can benefit the body in terms of vitamin D that can be consumed in autumn. 

are fruits that contain vitamin D. 

Vegetables Containing Vitamin D; 

Eating regularly and taking all kinds of nutrients into the body are important in terms of taking vitamins, acids and fats into the body. Therefore, it is necessary to eat a balanced diet and not to distinguish between nutrients. It is also important to have a regular and balanced diet in terms of vitamin D. We have listed the vegetables containing vitamin D that you should add to your menu. These vegetables; 

•           Carrot;  Carrot, which has an important place in terms of vitamin D, is a vegetable that prevents the formation and spread of various types of cancer. 

           Broccoli; It is a type of vegetable rich in vitamin D that should be consumed for bone and dental health. Children should definitely consume it for bone development.

•           Mantar; It is a vegetable containing vitamin D. It is used in diet lists to reduce the muscle system and fat ratio. 

Vegetables such as vegetables contain vitamin D. 

Foods Containing Vitamin D;

Vitamin D is not only found in vegetables and fruits. It is possible to get vitamin D from other foods as well. These types of food; animal foods, milk and dairy products, seafood are important in terms of vitamin D. While preparing this list, we also considered our vegetarian and vegan readers. Foods containing vitamin D are:

Sea products;

Oily fish, in particular, are rich in vitamin D.

oily fish; 

• Soman 

• Mackerel

• Oysters

• Prawn

• Sardines

• Anchovy

Animal products;

• Chicken

• Red meat

Dairy products:

• Cow milk

• Yogurt 

• Cheese

• Margarine

• Butter

• Kefir

Vegan and Vegetarian Products;

• Grain

• Plant-based milk varieties such as almond milk

• Soy/Bean Curd

Foods containing Vitamin D.

How to Use Vitamin D

The use of vitamin D varies depending on age, gender, and physical activity. So like the use case of all vitamins Vitamin D It should not be forgotten that the dose also requires blood analysis and doctor control. If it is not taken under the control of a doctor, it may have side effects on body health. However, we have compiled for you how it can be used in which situations. Vitamin D;

• If vitamin D is in liquid form, it should be dripped onto bread, and if it is in tablet form, it should be taken with a glass of water.

• It should be taken in the morning, it can cause palpitations and insomnia if taken in the evening. 

• If you are using any medication, do not use vitamin D without consulting your doctor because it may decrease the effect of the drug you use or increase its side effects. 

• The dose and type recommended by the doctor can be used.


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