Vitamin B12 is a type of vitamin that can be stored in small amounts in the body. Vitamin B12, which has many benefits for the body, "What is Vitamin B12?", "What is Vitamin B12 Pill?" and “What Foods Contain Vitamin B12?” collected under the headings. Healthy reading!

What is Vitamin B12? 

Vitamin B12 is a type of vitamin that is water-soluble, helps DNA synthesis, absorption of fatty acids and amino acids by the body, and whose deficiency in the body must be eliminated. It works in protein metabolism. It is also known as "cobalamin" due to the presence of cobalt mineral in its components. In a healthy human body, there should be 2 mg, 2 mg in the liver and 4 mg in other parts of the body. This rate may vary in pregnant or lactating women. Vitamin B12 is very important in terms of protecting nerve tissue, brain functions and producing red blood cells. It is not produced on its own in the body and its storage amount is low, so it must be taken from food or with medical supplements. There are capsule and needle types as medical supplements. 

What is Vitamin B12 Pill?

Fatigue, forgetfulness and weight loss are the most important symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency. In addition to these two symptoms, many more can be found. Vitamin B12 deficiency needs to be eliminated for the body to work properly and function properly. Therefore, vitamin B12 pills can be consumed as supplementary food. It should not be forgotten that before using the vitamin B12 pill, a preliminary consultation with the doctor is required. The B12 pill is made up of components of vitamins B1, B6 and B12. In addition to being a vitamin, it has painkiller properties. The most active ingredients are:

• Contains 250 g of vitamin B1 - thiamine, hydrochloride and water,

• Contains 250 g of vitamin B6- pyridoxine, hydrochloride,

• Contains 1mg of vitamin B12.

There are points to be considered when using Vitamin B12 pills. Some of those;

• It should be consumed once a day, with plenty of water,

• It should not be used for children under the age of 12,

• The treatment period should be completed or extended under the supervision of a doctor,

While using B12 Pills, it is necessary to pay attention to the points as above. 

What Are the Symptoms of B12 Deficiency?

Cobalamin is important in terms of improving nervous system and brain functions. That's why too  cobalamin that is, B12 deficiency must be eliminated. A certain amount of daily colabamine must be taken into the body. Adolescents aged 14 and over and adults should take 2,4 mg, pregnant women 2,6 mg and lactating women 2,8 mg. If there is a lack of adequate daily levels of cobalamin, some symptoms can be observed in the body. If you yourself;

• Weakness,

• Palpitations in the heart,

• Anorexia,

• Fading on the skin,

• tingling,

• Hair shedding

If you are observing symptoms such as, you may have a colabamin (B12) deficiency. This deficiency must be remedied immediately. To correct the cobalamin deficiency, you may need to consult a doctor and start taking supplements according to the desired blood tests.

What Foods Contain Vitamin B12?

• Liver, spleen (offals),

• Shellfish (mussels, oysters, mackerel),

• Tuna, trout, herring and mackerel,

• Milk, yoghurt, cheese,

• Red meat,

• Egg,

• Chicken,

Foods such as foods containing vitamin B12. As you can see, it is taken from animal foods. Therefore, a vegan or vegetarian diet can trigger B12 deficiency. For this reason, it is beneficial to create a diet plan together with the physician.

What Are the Benefits of Vitamin B12? 

Vitamin B12It has many important functions in the healthy functioning of the body. B12, which strengthens the immune system, takes part in protein metabolism. It also helps the nervous system to work correctly and quickly. B12 is also involved in the production of blood cells in the bone marrow. The benefits of vitamin B12 are many. B12 benefits are as follows; 

The building blocks of cells Makes up DNA.

·       Protein synthesis contribute to the process.

It ensures the production of new cells and prevents aging.

·       CarbohydrateConverts glucose to glucose, reduces fat and increases energy

Strengthens the central nervous system, repairs nerve cells

· Strengthens the immune system

·       Forgetfulness, Alzheimer and can prevent dementia

·       anemia helps prevent (anemia)

May prevent major birth defects

May support bone health and prevent osteoporosis

May reduce risk of macular degeneration (yellow spot) eye disease

Prevents or reduces the effects of depression

Beneficial for the digestive system

Protects the body against cardiovascular diseases

· To regulate blood pressure and cholesterolhelps to lower

·       Prevents the risk of stroke

It is one of the basic needs of hair, skin and nail health.

May protect against breast, colon, prostate, lung cancers


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