Vitamin A is an important type of vitamin that affects various functions of the body. Therefore, it has many benefits for the body. Benefits of vitamin A is as follows;

It reduces the risk of cancer.

It is useful for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

· Nourishes hair and skin.

· Protects eye health.

Makes it easier to see in the dark.

It is beneficial for teeth and gum health.

It is beneficial for the health of the mucous membrane.

It has a restorative and nourishing effect on soft tissues.

It is beneficial for a healthy pregnancy period.

Supports gut and intestinal health.

It has been found to have benefits on breast milk after pregnancy.

Vitamin A has a regenerative effect on the cell, as it acts as an antioxidant.

What are the Symptoms of Vitamin A Deficiency?

A balanced and regular diet is important for the intake of vitamin A into the body. If you do not eat regularly and in season, it can cause many health problems, especially night blindness. Vitamin A deficiencyIt is necessary to carefully observe the symptoms of Symptoms of vitamin A deficiency are as follows;

· Dry Skin; Many skin problems, especially eczema, can be a symptom of vitamin A deficiency.

·   Dry Eye; Vitamin A is a type of vitamin that is effective on eye health. Therefore, dry eyes can be a sign of vitamin A deficiency.

· Acne and acne; Since vitamin A fights inflammation in the skin, if you have a vitamin A deficiency, acne and pimples may appear on your skin.

Hardening of the tissues that protect the body; When the tissues that protect the body become dry or rough, this is a sign of vitamin A.

Which Diseases Cause Vitamin A Deficiency?

Vitamin A deficiency may need to be suspected when the development of the growth and development system is more stable than it should be. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to many other diseases. These diseases;

· Infertility

Slow growth,

Persistent infection,

Wounds that do not have a healing period,

Night blindness

Injury on the cornea and consequent loss of vision,

Fatty liver

Diseases such as vitamin A deficiency can be caused by diseases. Therefore, you can take vitamin A supplements by consulting your doctor. In this way, you can prevent diseases that may occur due to vitamin A deficiency.

What Foods Have Vitamin A?

Consuming variety and seasonal foods in the daily diet is important in getting the nutrients that the body needs. Nutritional order and nutritional diversity are also important in the intake of vitamin A into the body. Foods containing vitamin A are as follows;

Foods containing vitamin A of animal origin,

- Liver

- Fish oil

- Milk and milk products

Foods containing plant-derived vitamin A,

– Yellow and orange vegetables; like carrots and winter squash

– Dark green leafy vegetables,

· Natural oils,

They are foods rich in vitamin A. Adding it to the daily diet is necessary to eliminate vitamin A deficiency.

What is the Body's Daily Vitamin A Requirement?

The vitamins that the body needs differ from person to person, from weight to weight, from age to age, and from gender to gender. The recommended daily amount of vitamin A is as follows;

0-6 Months, 400 micrograms

7-12 Months, 500 micrograms

1-3 years old, 400 mcg

4-8 years old, 400 mcg

9-13 years old, 600 mcg

+14 years old men, 900 mcg

In women aged 14+, 700 mcg

During pregnancy, 770 mcg

During lactation, 1.300 mcg

You can benefit from natural foods, fruits and vegetables containing vitamin A to meet your daily vitamin A need. Also, consult your doctor. Vitamin A supplement or using a multivitamin containing vitamin A will ensure that the need for vitamin A is met.


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